Hello. You were elected within the bureau of the Young Democrats for Europe at the last Congress in Bilbao in September. For your team, Europe has to show its face, then tell us who you are and what you do…
Can you introduce yourself and tell us in a few words about your background and your local political commitments?
I am Hélène Jamin, I am 28 and live in Saint-Denis – close suburb of Paris. I am a school teacher now but I also worked in culture and communication after my studies. My new job and my recent move to the suburb are a new step in my citizenship as I experiment social diversity and the very interesting local work that can grow from it.
I really enjoyed my first European experiences, for instance when I had the chance to study in a europhile school or later when I did an internship at the French institute in Berlin. The German-French relationship and young people possibilities in Europe have become very concrete for me after this and I began to build my European identity. Then I created a French-German association with students to organise a French music festival in Germany.
Today I am involved in the MoDem, a French democratic movement, in local and national bodies.
Beyond your civic commitment, can you tell us what are your favorite activities / leisure activities?
I still like music and singing, going to concerts or supporting my friends that are mostly musicians!
I recently had the chance to buy a small house and really enjoy decorating it, sewing home stuff, reading lifestyle books and going on social networks to find some inspiration for decoration and cooking!
I am also very involved in my work and explore education as a key in the process to citizenship.
The elected team, widely renewed around Miroslava Calegari, is at work for almost 3 months now. Can you tell us the reasons for your involvement in the movement and your mission in this team?
I am part of the communication team: I work for the website and create some visual for social networks.
I had the chance to discover Europe in concrete situations, to meet young Europeans very early at school and Europe has quickly become something tangible for me. I know what « to be European » means!
My dream would be to give every young European the chance to live it.
As young people, we have to promote Europe and explain why European Union is a chance for everyone.
Finally, according to you, what should be the priority for Europe and YDE for these next 2 years?
Europe is a political territory, facing economic and social difficulties, but this is also a humanist ideal that we need to promote. That’s why we have to fight populist movements and the negative image of Europe they spread.
We have to embody Europe, make it live through our social networks, our website, our discussions… We have to make the word « Europe » more present!! But we also have to help people to understand what « Europe », what « being European » means. That’s why we need to create pedagogical contents.