YDE Congress and ALDE Summer School June 29th/30th – July 1st 2011.

In the European Parliament in Brussels, there was the celebration of the 2nd Congress of the Young Democrats for Europe. The YDE elected a new bureau to drive the organization towards ambitious political challenges. Marco Cappa (Italy) is the new President. He will be helped in his mission by three Vice President: Hélène Courades (Executive – France), Donata Janusauskaite (Lithuania), Marios Kaminarides (Cyprus). The Secretary General chosen by the Congress is Miren Martiarena (Basque Country). She will be supported by the Vice Secretary General, Lisa Gualtieri (San Marino). The Treasurer is Adeline Blais (France).

This team will count also on the support of an executive group that will analyse and focus on specific issues developing concrete proposals and solutions. Among them: Emiliano Fatello (Italy) for Media and Communication; Mirka Demkova (Slovakia) Environment and Energy; Alexandra Rozinska (Poland) Immigration and Schengen policy; Norbert Kucharik (Slovakia) European Youth Forum.

The congress approved the entry of new full member organizations: Mladi Europania (Slovakia), Demokraticke Forum Mladeze (Slovakia), Związek Młodzieży Demokratycznej (Poland).

Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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