Welcome to Junge Freie Wähler from Germany


The Young Democrats for Europe have the pleasure to welcome a new member: Junge Freie Wahler from Germany. We are particularly happy to extend our reach in Germany, the most populated EU member state.

We were also very happy to be invited to the JFW founding Congress last January. Since 2014, JFW members have been very active within the YDE and EDP and we are very glad they join us officially.

For YDE president Antoine Carette: “We warmly welcome JFW’s application as the result of a two years process of informal work together. We share a common concern for building a more democratic EU. Indeed our organisations strive to empower citizens and to give them the role they deserve in decision making at both a European and national level. For this purpose we need to gather all Democrats across Europe and strengthen our cooperation.”

As Michael Schultheis – JFW Chairman – highlights: “We are so thankful that we are now a part of the YDE. In times when populism is growing again, it is important that we as pro-Europeans work together and fight for a Union that is beneficial for all of us.”

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Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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