Statement on the Constitutional amendment adopted in Slovakia


Young Democrats for Europe support their Slovak member organisation Mladí Európania and its strong disagreement with the constitutional changes approved 2 weeks ago in Slovakia.

On the 4th of June 2014, the National Council adopted the Constitutional Act, which defines marriage as “a unique bundle of one man and one woman”.

YDE believe in freedom and democracy and express our total solidarity to the youngsters fighting for the respect of the human rights. YDE consider fundamental the distinction between religious and civil Institutions and the promotion of equal gender policies.

Young Democrats for Europe respond to the Miroslava Demková’s call – one of our Council members and president of one of our Slovak member organisations.

“We call on all who claim to fundamental values the European Union is based on, to not look from afar and to not remain silent but take concrete steps to protect the fight against all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and intolerance.”

Mladí Európania is very concerned about the fact that SMER – Social Democracy (their MPs supported the Constitutional amendment) is a member of Party of European Socialists (PES) and duringthe 2014 European elections, only a month ago, SMER-Social democracy candidates promoted tolerance values as written in the 2014 PES Manifesto values:

We will be relentless in our fight against all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and intolerance.”

“We will […] ensure that no person is denied a job, a position, a future or any other fundamental right because of the color of their skin, sexual orientation, identity, religion, age, gender, disability, political opinion or any form of discrimination.”

Mladí Európania is calling to officials to take concrete actions towards this act made against Slovak citizens.

Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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